Response-O-Matic Form

Castle Room Application


  1. You must be a Magical Cloud in the guild to apply. What does this mean? Any other application will be deleted.

  2. The rooms are for your Neopets so plan accordingly!

  3. You should check out other member's rooms for ideas, but don't be limited by them! Your room is completely customizable to your preferences.

  4. The more specific you are with your descriptions, the more you will enjoy your room. You can list Neopets items, furniture from existing rooms, or anything else that you may like in your room. Be creative and be specific.

  5. Keep in mind that you only get to view half of the room so plan accordingly. You won't be able to squeeze four beds, four desks and four wardrobes (for example) into your room. See the other rooms to get an idea of the layout.

  6. All information you submit is a request; based on time and difficulty I will try to accommodate your requests as best I can.

  7. In the future, if you would like to edit or completely change your room, furniture, colors or theme, just resubmit this application.

Exactly as it appears on Neopets.


Note EACH of the following for the location of your room:

1) Hall.  
Wall (left or right.)  
Level (from the top.)  
Door (from the left.)

(Example: Faerie Hall, Left wall, Second level from the top, 3rd door from the left)

If this is a request for room remodel just put SAME.

Color scheme:

What basic colors do you want in the room? (For the carpet, walls, ceiling, etc)

Which theme (if any) would you like in your room? (eg: Fire, Ummagine, Guardians, Yurble, none, etc)

Pieces of furniture you might like to have in your room; including Neopets furniture. (For example a "round blue rug" or "Fyora Print Bed" or "The desk chair in Serena's room")

How many pets do you have:
How many of your pets will be in this room? You can only have one room so if you have four pets its for all four. If the room is just for you, select 0.

Other Comments, Ideas, Suggestions